As if this year couldn’t get any crazier, a German won a comedy award. Well, one of the Spaniards in the team rather deserves the credit. My funny, quirky, goofy Noodles is officially a comedy award winner! Sometimes unintentionally comic, often just plain entertaining, always unique. Thank you very much to Comedy Pet Photography Award and Mars Petcare for choosing my picture of the reluctant guard dog as the overall winner of the Comedy Pet Photography Awards. Lots of love and bows to the fellow finalists, who all made my day brighter by their fabulous pictures.

I will make sure part of the prize money will be reinvested in helping dogs and cats in shelters out there.

Noodles, once rescued from death row, saved her owner’s life in return. She and her two partners in crime are family members, our joy and recreation. There are many others out there waiting for a loving home. When looking for a new family member, please consider adoption. They have lots of fun, entertainment and love to give. And now I’m off to pay homage to my little muse and sunshine dog, Noodles. Treats and cuddles in great profusion for her!

Read more about our story here if you like.

The winning image:

comedy pet

And here she is with her trophy. Noodles says “thank you very much, BUT WHERE ARE THE TREATS?”

comedy pet photography award